Workplace Cell Phone Policy

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This Policy Is Current And In Effect


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the use of cell phones in the workplace. Cell phones can be a valuable tool for communication and productivity, but they can also be a distraction and interfere with work. This policy aims to ensure that cell phones are used in a responsible and professional manner.


This policy applies to all employees of Tech Stop. It applies to both personally owned and company-issued cell phones.


  • Cell phones should be used in a way that does not interfere with work. This means that employees should avoid using their cell phones during meetings, while working on critical tasks, or when interacting with customers or clients.
  • Cell phones should be kept on silent or vibrate mode while at work. Employees should only take calls or send texts when absolutely necessary.
  • Cell phones should not be used to take pictures or videos in the workplace without permission. This includes taking pictures of confidential company information or of other employees without their consent.
  • Cell phones should not be used to access inappropriate or offensive websites or content.
  • Cell phones should not be used to harass or bully other employees.


Any employee who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Examples of Acceptable Cell Phone Use[edit]

  • Making or receiving business calls
  • Checking work-related emails or text messages
  • Using productivity apps
  • Taking breaks to make personal calls or send texts
  • Accessing company-approved websites or apps

Examples of Unacceptable Cell Phone Use[edit]

  • Talking on the phone during meetings
  • Texting while working on critical tasks
  • Taking pictures or videos of confidential company information or other employees without permission
  • Accessing inappropriate or offensive websites or content
  • Using the phone to harass or bully other employees


Supervisors are responsible for enforcing this policy. If a supervisor observes an employee violating the policy, they should speak to the employee directly. If the employee continues to violate the policy, the supervisor may take disciplinary action.


We understand that cell phones are an important part of our lives, and we want to allow employees to use them in a responsible and professional manner. We believe that this policy will help us to achieve this goal.